The history of fireplace in the west

From the history of the West, the prototype of the fireplace can be traced back to the ancient Greek and Roman times.The architecture and civilization of that period had a profound influence on Western modern architecture and culture.The architectural and decorative themes of ancient Greece and Rome are always closely related to people’s lives. Religious, sports, business and entertainment were reflected in the beautiful design of the roof, walls and floors. The theme of the use of fire also be reflected in these carvings and murals.In the Middle Ages, the early Christian and Byzantine churches and secular buildings left only a few traces and ruins, making many indoor studies extremely difficult. The castle became the most important form of architecture during the feudal period in Europe. The walls of the rooms in the castle were generally constructed of bare stone. The ground was covered with bare stone or wooden boards. The center of the hall might be a hearth with a fire, and there was a flue on the roof. The fireplace and the chimney are gradually becoming apparent.

The early fireplace was quite simple, without any decoration,only relied on an exterior wall or an inner wall in the middle, made of brick or stone. After the War of Roses (1455-1485), the Tudor dynasty entered a period of prosperity and consolidation of the regime. The stability and development of the economy promoted the prosperity of culture, especially the construction industry, and formed a new fasion. It combines the new structural system with classical decoration, this is the Renaissance style. The new building materials, such as stone or brick, were used to rebuild the original wooden structure. These buildings constructed with durable materials are easily preserved, so that today there is relatively specific physical retention.

The secular architecture  has been preserved since the 16th century, thus witnessing the history of the development of European residential interiors. In medieval houses, the central cooktop is the only facility that heats the house. With the  increasing residential rooms and  the dedicated fire-heating fireplace has appear. At the end of the Dynasty, the central cooktops were generally replaced by fireplaces.

More importantly,  at this time decorate the fireplace began to become the core of interior decoration. The design began to develop from a relatively simple form to Complex and cumbersome style. The fireplace is more and more decorative, with various details of the Renaissance style.

From the 16th century to the mid-20th century,  the new energy is developing: coal, gas and electricity on the fireplace, making the use of the fireplace more efficient, comfortable and convenient. At the same time, the fireplace has always been at the core of the interior decoration style, and has produced a variety of distinctive styles:

Renaissance, Baroque, modern style, etc. These fireplaces are closely related to the architectural style and interior style, and become the most indoor style.

At the same time, the continuous improvement of the function is reflected in the design of the fireplace, and the fireplace is more and more practical and beautiful. It not only provides physical comfort, but also visual enjoyment. There is no other invention in human history that combines practicality and aesthetics effectively. A variety of fireplaces convey the concept of life and fashion in people of all ages.

As society development,fireplace has  gradually become a symbol of identity, status ,as for its practical function has relegated to the secondary position. The fireplaces stand for  love, warmth and friendship. When people look at the fireplace, they seem to be reading about the rich history and culture.

Post time: Jul-23-2018